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Emergency First Aid at Work

Target Audience 

This course is designed to give a basic knowledge of life saving techniques to employees who have a responsibility for first aid or wish to understand the principles of life support or to supplement an existing team of first aiders within the organisation. 

The course is suitable for the designation of a first aider who can give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill at work. 


Course Aims 

This course will ensure that your business is adhering to current legislation in relation to having a trained first aid person(s) in the workplace. 


Course Objectives 

On completion of this programme candidates will be able to understand the importance of, and deal with: • Communication
• First aid resources
• Adult resuscitation 

• Unconsciousness HIV, Aids and Hepatitis B • Control of bleeding and shock
• Record keeping - elements can be added, appropriate to the work environment. 

Courses can be customised for individual companies, however, the basic elements of resuscitation, communication, unconsciousness and control of bleeding have to be included. 

There is no examination at the end of the course, but continuous assessment of the candidate’s progress is made by the tutor. 


Course Duration 

This course is normally delivered over ‘one day’ (6 hours). Delegates who successfully complete the course are awarded an Emergency First Aid at Work certificate. It is recommended this course to be renewed every three years and that annual refresher updates are also attended.

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